New York Speeding Tickets

In New York State, all speeding tickets carry points ranging from 3 points for minimal speeding ticket to 11 points. The greater the miles per hour over the speed limit, the higher the points assessed.  Upon conviction, some speeding tickets carry an automatic license suspension. With other speeding tickets, the decision whether to suspend a license or not is up to the discretion of the court. When confronted with high speed - speeding tickets, usually in the 8 or 11 point range, some courts will suspend a motorist’s driver’s license upon the driver’s first appearance in court, even without having ever been convicted, with what is known as a suspension pending prosecution. In this situation the license will stay suspended until the case is resolved or the court agrees to lift the suspension.
It’s never good to have a speeding ticket conviction on your license. For one thing, they tend to carry a lot of points. They can also lead to your license being suspended as well as increased insurance premiums. You do not want a speeding ticket on your license if you can avoid it. Consequently, it’s always a good idea to speak with a traffic lawyer before you decide to enter a plea of guilty.
The ultimate outcome of any speeding ticket will depend on a number of factors. The court that the speeding ticket is returnable to, as well as the prosecutor prosecuting the case and the judge hearing the case will often factor into the outcome of the case. Most courts in New York permit plea bargaining of speeding tickets. Speeding tickets returnable to the New York State Traffic Violations Bureaus in Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, New York City, Buffalo, and Rochester will usually require a trial, as the traffic violations bureau’s  do not allow plea bargaining. The goal of all New York Traffic Lawyers is always to have your speeding ticket dismissed or reduced as much as possible.
The following are the number of points that each speeding conviction carries:
     3 points ----- 1 to 10 mph over limit
     4 points ---- 11 to 20 mph over limit
     6 points ---- 21 to 30 mph over limit
     8 points ---- 31 to 40 mph over limit
     11 points ---- over 40 mph over limit
Why you should not plead guilty to a New York Speeding Ticket:
Too many points will lead to a license suspension
You should always avoid being convicted of a speeding ticket when possible. In New York all speeding tickets carry points. In fact, most speeding tickets carry a lot of points. For example, a speeding ticket of 77 miles per hour in a 55 mile per hour zone carries 6 points. Motorists who accumulate over 10 points on their license within an 18 month period will generally have their license suspended by the New York State DMV.
Three or more speeding tickets will suspend your license for 6 months
Drivers who are convicted of 3 speeding tickets with dates of violation all within an 18 months of each other, Will have their license suspended for 6 months by the NYS DMV.
New York State Drivers Assessment fee
In New York State, motorist who accumulate 6 or more points, with dates of violation within an 18 month period, will be required to pay a driver assessment fee. The driver assessment fee, imposed by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, is in addition to any fines, surcharges and administrative fees the imposed by the court. Many speeding tickets by themselves carry 6 points. The New York State Driver assessment fee starts at $300 ($100 per year for 3 years) for those with 6 points. An 8 point speeding conviction carries a $450 driver assessment fee ($150 a year for 3 years). An 11 point speeding conviction will lead to a $675 driver assessment fee ($200 a year for 3 years). This is providing you have no other points on your license. Those who accumulate higher points will be assessed a higher driver assessment fee.
Increased Insurance Premiums
Convictions for speeding tickets will usually lead to increased insurance premiums. In fact speeding tickets are generally weighted heavier than non-speeding tickets of the same points. When possible, speeding ticket convictions should be avoided.
Contact a New York Traffic Lawyer today!